
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

What time was that subsystem started?

when was that subsystem started

The question was simple:  Can you tell when a subsystem started?

I am going to give two examples. The first will show what I would do if you asked me what time the QPGMR subsystem was started. I only need to give an answer one time, and I do not need to write a program or code to do this.

In the second example I do want some code to show when the QPGMR subsystem was started. This would be used in a scenario where I would need to know frequently what time it started. I would add it to the Job Scheduler, run the job periodically, and it would send me an email with the date and time it started included within.


Example 1: One time

At any command line I would type in:


The results show all of the active jobs in the QPGMR subsystem. If there are no results the subsystem is not active.

                        Work with Active Jobs

Opt  Subsystem/Job  User        Type  CPU %  Function        Status
 5   QPGMR          QSYS        SBS      .0                   DEQW
 _     QPADEV0001   SIMON       INT      .0  CMD-WRKACTJOB    DSPW

The first job is the one that is started when the subsystem is started. I put a "5" next to it, as shown, and press Enter.

At the "Work with job menu" I take option 10 for "Display job log, if active, on job queue, or pending".

The first line shown has the date and time when the subsystem was started:

                              Display Job Log
                                                           System:   DEV740
Job . . :   QPGMR         User . . :   QSYS          Number . . . :   110064

    Job 110064/QSYS/QPGMR started on 02/22/21 at 09:24:53 in subsystem QPGMR


Example 2: Frequently

I can use the information from two SQL Table functions to give me what I need:

  1. Subsystem library name
  2. Subsystem name
  3. Time started

The first Table function I will use is ACTIVE_JOB_INFO as that can tell me if the subsystem is active or not.

The second is JOB_LOG_INFO, as I need to get the first entry from the job log.

The SQL statement I would use is:

02         A.SUBSYSTEM AS "Subsystem",
03         B.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP AS "Start time"
06          JOB_NAME_FILTER => '*SBS')) A,

Lines 1 – 3: These are the columns I desire, and I have given them meaningful headings.

Lines 4 - 6: Here we have the ACTIVE_JOB_INFO Table function, and the two parameters I am passing to it:

  1. SUBSYSTEM_LIST_FILTER:  Name of the subsystem, in this example it is 'QPGMR'
  2. JOB_NAME_FILTER:  The type of job I am interested in, here it is the subsystem itself

Line 7: Using the LATERAL I can include the results from a subselect using a column from the first part.

Lines 8 – 10: This is the subselect. I want the job log message timestamp returned. I using the JOBLOG_INFO Table function passing the job name from the ACTIVE_JOB_INFO. I am only interested in the first entry in the joblog, therefore, to select that I must use the ORDINAL_POSITION column.

The results are the same as those from example 1.

Library  Subsystem  Start time
-------  ---------  --------------------------
QSYS     QPGMR      2021-02-22 09:24:53.752041

If no result is returned the subsystem is not active.


This article was written for IBM i 7.4, and should work for some earlier releases too.


  1. Simon, the name of the parameter SUBSYSTEM_NAME_FILTER should be SUBSYSTEM_LIST_FILTER.

    1. Oops. Thank you for bring that to my attention. I have made the change.

    2. also need to change it here:
      Lines 4 - 6: Here we have the ACTIVE_JOB_INFO Table function, and the two parameters I am passing to it:

      SUBSYSTEM_NAME_FILTER: Name of the subsystem, in this example it is 'QPGMR'

  2. Thank you to everyone who noticed that there was a type in the SQL statement. I was missing a > symbol. The statement has been corrected.


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