
Friday, November 29, 2019

developerWorks data to be moved to another IBM website

Last month I noticed a banner that appeared on the top of all the developerWorks pages notifying us that it was to be closed on December 31 2019.

This has alarmed many IBM i folks who have taken to social media asking what is to become of the valuable information contained within developerWorks?

Yesterday I noticed the following announcement from Barbara Morris, lead developer for the RPG compilers, in the RPG Cafe:

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

More SQL Table Functions for interrogating IFS

More sql table functions for viewing files and objects in the ifs

Last week I started writing about the new table functions introduced in IBM i 7.4 TR1 and 7.3 TR7, describing the first of the four table functions that allow me to retrieve information about IFS directories and files. In this post I will describe the other three:


Friday, November 22, 2019

New Performance FAQ released

A new IBM i on Power Performance FAQ was released yesterday, November 21 2019.

While you may not think there will be anything in it for you as you only program in RPG, there is a section for RPG and Cobol native I/O.

This is available as a PDF from IBM's website here.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Using SQL to list directories and files in IFS

use sql table function to list ifs files and directories

Thanks to the folks at RZKH who downloaded and applied the PTFs for IBM i 7.4 TR1 on the first day they became available, what great service!, I have been able to explore some of the new features added to the operating system we know and love. Amongst the additions to Db2 for i, or SQL, is a number of table functions to list information about the directories and files in the Integrated File System, IFS. My original thought was to write one post about them all, but the more I played with the IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS table function I came to the conclusion that it deserved its own post.

The IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS table function returns similar information to the RTVDSKINF command. All I want is just some basic information about the directories and files I choose, but there are many more columns returned by the table function. I encourage you to check the link at the bottom of this post which will take you to the appropriate page in IBM's documentation.

In my folder, MyFolder, I have created the following files and subdirectories:

Friday, November 15, 2019

Technology Refresh release day

ibm i 7.4 tr1 and 7.3 tr7 release day

Today is the day the new Technology Refresh PTFs become available for download for the two most current releases of IBM i 7.4 TR1 and 7.3 TR7.

I wrote about what is included in these TRs last month:

What are the PTF numbers for the TRs?

Fortunately IBM has pages that have all this information, including links to download the PTFs:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Listing Server Authority users

list users with server authority created using addsvraute

When I wrote about securing DDM files I bemoaned the lack of a WRKSVRAUTE command. While ago I stumbled across a Db2 for i View that will display a list of all the users I with DDM server authority.

This view has one of the longest names I have used to date: DRDA_AUTHENTICATION_ENTRY_INFO, and it contains the following four columns:

Long column name Short column name Description
SERVER_NAME SRVR_NAME Target server for the authentication entry
SERVER_AUTHORIZATION_NAME SRVR_USER User profile on the target server
PASSWORD_STORED PW_STORED Is the password stored in the authentication entry?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Example of why using SQL can be better than RPG

using sql instead of rpg chain operation to cope with a change in the file key

Here is another example of using SQL can make your life easier, coping with a change of the key in file without having to change the program.

At work we are gradually moving all of the US based IBM i partitions from a PowerSystems model 720 to a brand new model 900. I always thought PowerSystems model 900s could only run IBM i 7.3 and 7.4, it turns out that it will also run IBM i 7.2 but a whole load of PTFs have to be loaded and applied when moving from an older model (that was probably not up to date with PTFs too). The moves have been pretty uneventful, apart a change that makes a process I wrote many years ago fail.

The file QA1ALG in library QUSRBRM has changed, a new timestamp field has been added and that is used to replace the existing date and time fields in the file's key:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The future for IBM i looks beyond 2030

ibm chart shows future of ibm i goes beyond 2031

The post I wrote last month about the developerWorks closing at the end of this year. This caused a flurry of messages asking me if this meant that this was the end of the "AS400" too.

This is NOT a signal that the end of IBM i is nigh. I have been at various user group meetings where folks from IBM have told us that they have plans for this operating system going many years into the future. They also share an image showing past and the planned future releases of IBM i. After a good deal of "googling" I found this image that was updated after the launch of IBM i 7.4 .