
Sunday, October 4, 2015

IBM i 7.2 TR3 and 7.1 TR11 being announced tomorrow?

V7R2 TR3 and V7R1 TR11

From what I can tell the announcement of the latest Technology Refreshes, TR11 for IBM i 7.1 and TR3 for 7.2, will be made tomorrow, Monday October 5, 2015.

Having found the developerWorks pages for these Technology Refreshes last month, I noticed today that they have been updated with the enhancements for DB2 for i (SQL). Even as I am typing this post I see updates being made to these pages.

One that caught my eye is the announcement: "Remove the 8-80 column restriction for Free form RPG & Embedded SQL”. The link provided does not, at the time of writing, take me to the page promised. Could this be the final part of making RPG more free? As we will no longer be restricted to the coding page width passed down from fixed format RPG.

I have also found that IBM's Tim Rowe is giving a webcast about the TR announcement to Common Europe tomorrow, October 5, at 1:00 PM CET (Central European Time). You can register for his webcast via this link here.

I presume the US announcement will be made at the COMMON UG Fall conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which starts tomorrow.

As I find out more about these Technology Refreshes I will post the details here on RPGPGM.COM.

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